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 Our Vision + Mission


To create change that cultivates sustainable communities and

increases the quality of life for generations.



Provide opportunities and form partnerships that build community collaboration and advancement on both the individual and community level.



To affecting change in two major areas that impact both an individual's quality of life and that of the community: providing clean water for daily living, and micro enterprise opportunities  through community education.

The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has been long known for sugar, coffee and tobacco production, but currently the economy is now dominated by services. The country's current economic progress is exemplified by growth in its telecommunication system, and transportation infrastructure, tourism and free trade zones. Nevertheless, unemployment, government corruption, and inconsistent electric service remain major Dominican problems. The country also has "marked income inequality." Every Day Hope works to build sustainable communities, raise the standard of living for families and bring hope to the people of the DR though safe water, and community education.

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Cofounder, Director

Jim Larson

Jim’s solution driven approach proves valuable in managing multitudes of projects while being on the field for the past twenty years. Having decades of prior experience in retail management  prepared him for overseeing the business side of Every Day Hope. His passion to see injustices made right, strong work ethic and ability to resolve conflict, have been assets in creating collaborative and lasting relationships.


Cofounder, Administrator

Renee Larson

Organized, detail minded and passionate about non-profit work, Renee has been an administrator for two nonprofits for twenty years. Renee has an ability to motivate and encourage others while accomplishing projects together. Her familiarity with the culture, excellent people skills and desire to bring about a better quality of life for people have been assets to the work in the Dominican Republic.



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